The Lookout Weekly Podcast
This podcast contains the weekly messages from Church of the Lookout in Longmont, CO. The Lookout is a Spirit-filled, Christian church that is following Jesus into a life of awe-inspiring love.
The Lookout Weekly Podcast
Building for the Big One // Sermon on the Mount
Explore the profound teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount and the critical lesson of building your life on a solid foundation. This video delves into Matthew 7:24-29, where Jesus shares the parable of the wise, and the foolish builders, emphasizing the importance of not only hearing His words but also acting upon them. Discover the stark differences between a life built on the rock of Jesus' teachings versus one built on the shifting sands of superficiality. Learn practical steps for applying Jesus' teachings to your life, the significance of living counter-culturally, and the value of community and accountability in your faith journey. Whether you're seeking guidance on how to withstand life's challenges or looking for ways to deepen your spiritual foundation, this video offers insights into creating a life that remains unshaken in the face of adversity. Join us in reflecting on how to build a life that stands firm, rooted in the transformative power of Jesus' words.
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